Sunday, February 25, 2007

Questioning :
  1. Stimulate interest
  2. Stimulate thinking
  3. Induce proactive learning
  4. Strengthen memory
  5. Form natural hooks
  6. Increase recall
  7. Helps you to focus (important for creative daydreamers)
  8. Encourage active listening
Through questioning we emulate the natural learning abilities of a child which must never be forgotten as we tag along through more advance and complicated information. This is the reason for the fast learning speeds during the child's first few formative years. Thus i will stress on this natural learning abilities of QUESTIONING and MIMICKING.

Steps to put it into practice
Start with small steps - formulating questions which are simple to answer .

Take the opportunity to find out every word which is unclear, in the dictionary (do not skip out of laziness). This will increase essential understanding of the subject

To ensure you know your stuff or to keep check on what you are reading, question yourself, especially on the highlighted key points.


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